Secured Payment

The website provides the possibility to purchase product(s) and /or service(s) online and to settle payment online or in-store based on delivery method selected. Payment transactions will be in Saudi Riyals.
We accept the following modes of payment:
Payment in-store: only applicable for click and collect pay in-store orders. For more information go to In Store payment policy.
Payment online: by SADAD payment services Or by (Visa and MasterCard) and Mada ONLY for those cards issued by Banks of Saudi Arabia bank credit cards (only MasterCard or Visa type) through internet payment gateway service provider.
For online payment transactions, customer will receive on screen confirmation once the payment has been authorized. We cannot accept any liability if payment is refused or declined by the credit card supplier for any reason. You should check your bank credit card supplier for that.
We do not store your credit card details on the website. All payment details which are entered through the website payment gateway are encrypted when you enter them. Communications to and from the service provider’s site are encrypted.
We cannot provide any of your payment information obtained via the web to other companies or individuals unless required to by law. This information is processed by our payment merchant.
Credit card details provided by you for benefiting from the online service will be truthful, valid and accurate and you shall use the credit card which is lawfully owned by you. The said information will not be utilized and shared by the online service with any of the third parties unless required for fraud verifications or by law, regulation or court order. The online service will not be liable for any credit card fraud. The liability for use of a card fraudulently will be on you and the responsibility to prove otherwise shall be exclusively on you. In the event that we are unable to supply the full or portion of the order, we will inform you accordingly. A full or portion refund will be given -through credit card- where you have already been charged for. Using the online payments facility of the website indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, do not use this facility.

The Binlaswad Company has been in business for more than 50 years in the area of wholesale trading of Agricultural equipment and its spare parts.


Saturday-Thursday: 9am to 12:30pm - 4pm to 8:30pm
Bab Makkah, Jeddah, KSA
+966 530307054